Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials
Hexagram of various materials

Hexagram of various materials

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Perfect Peace The hexagram represents the meaning of perfect peace. It is a balanced structure, at its central point, exactly the symbol of a stable mind. The six lines represent six directions, which can guide us in the direction of peace. The shape of the six-pointed star can also symbolize the very different parts of the universe. In the universe, everyone is a part of life, so we need to cooperate with each other to build a peaceful environment and move forward together.

Symbol of Jewish History The hexagram is used in Judaism as a symbol of Jewish history and culture. It represents the three aspects of Judaism science, culture and mysticism.